Memories of the Roper Family of Langdon Hills

This little lady was my dad’s sister.  She was Head Mistress at the little school house at the top of Langdon Hills apposite St Mary’s Church.  Her name was Georgina Roper.  She married and became Mrs Dellow.  We called her Auntie Tot as she was so little.   She had a daughter called Cissy.  Cissy had two children Pauline and David Dellow, my 2nd cousins.  Their other sister Daisy Roper was also a teacher in the old school house.  She married and became Daisy Taylor.  She had two children, Hedley and May Taylor.   Hedley married Avis Simmonds.  They had two children Stephan and Barry Taylor,  my 2nd cousins.  My dad’s name was Monty Roper.

Daisy Roper was also a teacher at the old school house. She was my dad's sister.

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  • Alan Davies hi Ken Roper was my brother he was 15 years older than me he sadly died in 2000.David and Pauline Dellow are my 2nd cousins .Cissy and Arthur Dellow was their parents. the little old lady in the newspaper article was David and Pauline’s grandmother Georgina Roper .she was my Dads sister so my auntie we called her tot as she was so little. you mentioned a Ray Dellow he is not related to us

    By Patsy Spendlove (11/04/2018)
  • There was a Ray Dellow and a Ken Roper both of whom would have been born somewhere in the mid 1930’s. Neither was in my class at Langdon Hills or at LHR but I did know them both — at least by sight. Are they part of your extended family?

    By Alan Davies (21/03/2018)

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